Family — part 2

I like to think I am friendly and personable (often times a joker and silly) and when my clients are too, that just makes for a lot of laughs in the studio. The C family was very much one of those families. I really enjoyed meeting them.  Mom and dad had me laughing quite a bit. I admit that some of my laughs with mom came at dad’s expense, but he was such a great sport and really was the instigator and the one to make us laugh. The boys were just too cute for words.  Little C is 4 months old and I call him the “gerber” baby, he is just perfect! Big brother L was very sweet and adorable. I truly love all kids, but I think boys will have an extra special place in my heart for sure…because when I meet them I can’t help but think of my 3 yr old son. If I photograph one that is younger than him, I think back to what he was like at that age and when I photograph one that is older, I can help but imagine what he will be like.

I always think of my personal experience as a mom and how I would want my son captured. It always boils down to this…I want to show the child’s real personality and how they are at this time in their lives and secondly I want to show LOVE. That is key for me and why I will always love photographing families. It’s very important to capture real emotions and show the true personality.

Here’s some images of the C family. Look at this “GQ” family! Mom said she and baby C are more light hearted and smile often while dad and big brother L are a little more serious and that the family portrait was truly representative of their personalities.

Until next time, AR

ps hi L & R, your family is wonderful and I look forward to seeing you soon…the “table” is waiting for you 🙂

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